Get Keywords Window
@author: L. Calvo-Bartolome
- class src.graphical_user_interface.get_keywords_window.GetKeywordsWindow(tm)
Class representing the window that is used for the attainment of a subcorpus from a given list of keywords, this list being selected by the user.
- __init__(tm)
Initializes a “GetKeywordsWindow” window.
- Parameters
tm (TaskManager) – TaskManager object associated with the project
- center()
Centers the window at the middle of the screen at which the application is being executed.
- clicked_select_keywords()
Method to control the actions that are carried out at the time the “Select keywords” button of the “Get keywords window” is pressed by the user.
- init_params()
Initializes the keywords parameters in the parameters’ table within the GUI’s “Get keywords” window, i.e. wt, n_max, and s_min. The default configuration of these parameters is read from the configuration file ‘/config/parameters.default.yaml’.
- init_ui()
Configures the elements of the GUI window that are not configured in the UI, i.e. icon of the application, the application’s title, and the position of the window at its opening.
- show_suggested_keywords()
Displays the corresponding keywords based on the configuration parameters selected by the user on the top QTextEdit “text_edit_show_keywords”.
- update_params()
Updates the keywords parameters that are going to be used in the getting of the keywords based on the values read from the table within the GUI’s “Get keywords” window that have been specified by the user.