Query Manager
Provides basic methods for user interaction through a command window.
@author: J. Cid-Sueiro
- class src.query_manager.QueryManager
This class contains all user queries needed by the datamanager.
- __init__()
Initializes the query manager object
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- ask_keywords(kw_library=None)
Ask the user for a list of keywords.
- Parameters
kw_library (list) – A list of possible keywords
- Returns
keywords – List of keywords
- Return type
list of str
- ask_label()
Ask the user for a single binary label
- Returns
label – Binary value read from the standard input
- Return type
- ask_label_tag()
Ask the user for a tag to compose the label file name.
- Returns
keywords – List of keywords
- Return type
list of str
- ask_labels()
Ask the user for a weighted list of labels related to some documents
- Returns
labels – List of labels
- Return type
list of int
- ask_topics(topic_words)
Ask the user for a weighted list of topics
- Parameters
topic_words (list of str) – List of the main words from each topic
- Returns
tw – Dictionary of topics: weights
- Return type
- ask_value(query='Write value: ', convert_to=<class 'str'>, default=None)
Ask user for a value
- Parameters
query (str, optional (default value=”Write value: “)) – Text to print
convert_to (function, optional (default=str)) – A function to apply to the selected value. It can be used, for instance, for type conversion.
default (optional (default=None)) – Default value to return if an empty value is returned
- Returns
The returned value is equal to conver_to(x), where x is the string introduced by the user (if any) or the default value.
- Return type
- confirm()
Ask the user for confirmation
- Return type
True if the user inputs ‘y’, False otherwise
- static str2dict(text)
Converts a string of comma-separated keys and values (“k1, v1, k2, v2, …!” into a dictionary {k1: v1, k2: v2, …} of integer keys and normalized weight values
- Parameters
text (str) – String o comma-separated keys and values
- Returns
tw – A dictionary integer keys and float values.
- Return type