Analyze Keywords Window
@author: L. Calvo-Bartolome
- class src.graphical_user_interface.analyze_keywords_window.AnalyzeKeywordsWindow(tm)
Class representing the window that is used for the analysis of the presence of selected keywords in the corpus
- __init__(tm)
Initializes a “AnalyzeKeywordsWindow” window.
- Parameters
tm (TaskManager) – TaskManager object associated with the project
- center()
Centers the window at the middle of the screen at which the application is being executed.
- do_analysis()
Performs the analysis of the keywords based by showing the “Sorted document scores”, “Document frequencies” and “Keyword frequencies” graphs.
- initUI()
Configures the elements of the GUI window that are not configured in the UI, i.e. icon of the application, the application’s title, and the position of the window at its opening.