Defines the main domain classification class
@author: J. Cid-Sueiro, J.A. Espinosa, A. Gallardo-Antolin, T.Ahlers
- class src.domain_classifier.classifier.CorpusClassifier(df_dataset, model_type='mpnet', model_name='sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2', path2transformers='.', use_cuda=True)¶
A container of corpus classification methods
- AL_sample(n_samples=5, sampler='extremes', p_ratio=0.8, top_prob=0.1)¶
Returns a given number of samples for active learning (AL)
- Parameters:
n_samples (int, optional (default=5)) – Number of samples to return
sampler (str, optional (default=”random”)) – Sample selection algorithm. - If “random”, samples are taken at random from all docs with
If “extremes”, samples are taken stochastically, but with documents with the highest or smallest probability scores are selected with higher probability.
If “full_rs”, samples are taken at random from the whole dataset for testing purposes. Half samples are taken at random from the train-test split, while the rest is taken from the other documents
p_ratio (float, optional (default=0.8)) – Ratio of high-score samples. The rest will be low-score samples. (Only for sampler=’extremes’)
top_prob (float, optional (default=0.1)) – (Approximate) probability of selecting the doc with the highest score in a single sampling. This parameter is used to control the randomness of the stochastic sampling: if top_prob=1, the highest score samples are taken deterministically. top_prob=0 is equivalent to random sampling.
- Returns:
df_out – Selected samples
- Return type:
Besides the output dataframe, this method updates columns ‘sampler’ and ‘sampling_prob’ from self.dataframe.
‘sampler’ stores the sampling method that selected the doc.
‘sampling_prob’ is the probability with which each doc was
selected. This is approximate, since the sampling of multiple documents is done without replacement, but it is reasonably accurate if the population sizes are large enough.
- __init__(df_dataset, model_type='mpnet', model_name='sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2', path2transformers='.', use_cuda=True)¶
Initializes a classifier object
- Parameters:
df_dataset (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataset with text and labels. It must contain at least two columns with names “text” and “labels”, with the input and the target labels for classification.
model_type (str, optional (default=”roberta”)) – Type of transformer model.
model_name (str, optional (default=”roberta-base”)) – Name of the simpletransformer model
path2transformers (pathlib.Path or str, optional (default=”.”)) – Path to the folder that will store all files produced by the simpletransformers library. Default value is “.”.
use_cuda (boolean, optional (default=True)) – If true, GPU will be used, if available.
Be aware that the simpletransformers library produces several folders, with some large files. You might like to use a value of path2transformers other than ‘.’.
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- annotate(idx, labels, col='annotations')¶
Annotate the given labels in the given positions
- Parameters:
idx (list of int) – Rows to locate the labels.
labels (list of int) – Labels to annotate
col (str, optional (default = ‘annotations’)) – Column in the dataframe where the labels will be annotated. If it does not exist, it is created.
- eval_model(samples='train_test', tag='', batch_size=8)¶
Compute predictions of the classification model over the input dataset and compute performance metrics.
- Parameters:
samples (str, optional (default=”train_test”)) – Samples to evaluate. If “train_test” only training and test samples are evaluated. Otherwise, all samples in df_dataset attribute are evaluated
tag (str) – Prefix of the score and prediction names. The scores will be saved in the columns of self.df_dataset containing these scores.
batch_size (int, optiona (default=8)) – Batch size
- get_annotations(annot_name='annotations', include_text=True)¶
Returns the portion of self.dataset that contains annotated data
- Parameters:
annot_name (str, optional (default=’annotations’)) – Name of the column in the pandas dataframe containing the annotations
include_text (bool, optional (default=True)) – If true, the text of the annotated document is included in the output dataframe. This is usefull for a manual inspection of the annotations.
- Returns:
df_annotation – The dataframe containing the annotations. All columns related to the annotation are returned.
- Return type:
- label2label_metrics(pred_name, true_label_name, subdataset, printout=True, use_sampling_probs=True)¶
Compute binary performance metrics (i.e. metrics based on the binary labels and predictions only)
- Parameters:
pred_name (str in {‘PU’, ‘PN’}) – Ettiquete of the model to be evaluated.
true_label_name (str) – Name of the column tu be used as a reference for evaluation
subdataset (str) – An indicator of the subdataset to be evaluated. It can take values ‘train’, ‘test’ or ‘unused’
printout (boolean, optional (default=True)) – If true, all metrics are printed (unless the roc values)
use_sampling_probs (boolean, optional (default=True)) – If true, metrics are weighted by the (inverse) sampling probabilities, if available. If true, unweighted metrics are computed too, and saved in entry ‘unweighted’ of the output dictionary, as complementary info.
- Returns:
bmetrics – A dictionary of binary metrics
- Return type:
- load_model()¶
Loads an existing classification model
- Return type:
The loaded model is stored in attribute self.model
- load_model_config()¶
Load configuration for model.
If there is no previous configuration, copy it from simpletransformers ClassificationModel and save it.
- num_annotations()¶
Return the number of manual annotations available
- performance_metrics(tag, true_label_name, subdataset, pred_name=None, score_name=None, printout=True, use_sampling_probs=True)¶
Compute performance metrics
- Parameters:
tag (str in {‘PU’, ‘PN’}) – Ettiquete of the model to be evaluated.
true_label_name (str) – Name of the column tu be used as a reference for evaluation
subdataset (str) – An indicator of the subdataset to be evaluated. It can take values ‘train’, ‘test’, ‘unused’, ‘notrain’ (which uses train and test) and ‘all’ (which uses all data)
printout (boolean, optional (default=True)) – If true, all metrics are printed (unless the roc values)
use_sampling_probs (boolean, optional (default=True)) – If true, metrics are weighted by the (inverse) sampling probabilities, if available. If true, unweighted metrics are computed too, and saved in entry ‘unweighted’ of the output dictionaries, as complementary info.
- Returns:
bmetrics (dict) – A dictionary of binary metrics (i.e. metrics based on the binary labels and predictions only)
roc (dict) – A dictionary of score-based metrics (i.e. metric based on the binary labels and predictions, and the scores (soft decistions) of the classifier)
- print_binary_metrics(bmetrics, tag='')¶
Pretty-prints the given metrics
- Parameters:
bmetrics (dict) – Dictionary of metrics (produced by the binary_metrics() method)
title (str, optional (default=””)) – Title to print as a header
- retrain_model(freeze_encoder=True, batch_size=8, epochs=3, annotation_gain=10)¶
Re-train the classifier model using annotations
- Parameters:
epochs (int, optional (default=3)) – Number of training epochs
freeze_encoder (bool, optional (default=True)) – If True, the embedding layer is frozen, so that only the classification layers is updated. This is useful to use precomputed embedings for large datasets.
batch_size (int, optional (default=8)) – Batch size
annotation_gain (int or float, optional (default=10)) – Relative value of an annotated sample with respect to a non- annotated one.
- train_model(epochs=3, validate=True, freeze_encoder=True, tag='', batch_size=8)¶
Train binary text classification model based on transformers
- Parameters:
epochs (int, optional (default=3)) – Number of training epochs
validate (bool, optional (default=True)) – If True, the model epoch is selected based on the F1 score computed over the test data. Otherwise, the model after the last epoch is taken
freeze_encoder (bool, optional (default=True)) – If True, the embedding layer is frozen, so that only the classification layers is updated. This is useful to use precomputed embedings for large datasets.
tag (str, optional (default=””)) – A preffix that will be used for all result variables (scores and predictions) saved in the dataset dataframe
batch_size (int, optiona (default=8)) – Batch size
- train_test_split(max_imbalance=None, nmax=None, train_size=0.6, random_state=None)¶
Split dataframe dataset into train an test datasets, undersampling the negative class
- Parameters:
max_imbalance (int or float or None, optional (default=None)) – Maximum ratio negative vs positive samples. If the ratio in df_dataset is higher, the negative class is subsampled If None, the original proportions are preserved
nmax (int or None (defautl=None)) – Maximum size of the whole (train+test) dataset
train_size (float or int (default=0.6)) – Size of the training set. If float in [0.0, 1.0], proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If int, absolute number of train samples.
random_state (int or None (default=None)) – Controls the shuffling applied to the data before splitting. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.
- Returns:
No variables are returned. The dataset dataframe in self.df_dataset is
updated with a new columm ‘train_test’ taking values – 0: if row is selected for training 1: if row is selected for test -1: otherwise
- update_annotations(df_annotations, annot_name='annotations')¶
Updates self.df_dataset with the annotation data and metadata in the input dataframe.
- Parameters:
df_annotations (pandas.dataFrame) – A dataframe of annotations.
annot_name (str, optional (default=’annotations’)) – Name of the column containing the class annotations
- class src.domain_classifier.classifier.CorpusClassifierMLP(df_dataset, model_type='mpnet', model_name='sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2', path2transformers='.', use_cuda=True)¶
- __init__(df_dataset, model_type='mpnet', model_name='sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2', path2transformers='.', use_cuda=True)¶
Initializes a classifier object
- Parameters:
df_dataset (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataset with text and labels. It must contain at least two columns with names “text” and “labels”, with the input and the target labels for classification.
model_type (str, optional (default=”roberta”)) – Type of transformer model.
model_name (str, optional (default=”roberta-base”)) – Name of the simpletransformer model
path2transformers (pathlib.Path or str, optional (default=”.”)) – Path to the folder that will store all files produced by the simpletransformers library. Default value is “.”.
use_cuda (boolean, optional (default=True)) – If true, GPU will be used, if available.
- eval_model(samples='train_test', tag='', batch_size=8)¶
# inference Compute predictions of the classification model over the input dataset and compute performance metrics.
- Parameters:
samples (str, optional (default=”train_test”)) – Samples to evaluate. If “train_test” only training and test samples are evaluated. Otherwise, all samples in df_dataset attribute are evaluated
tag (str) – Prefix of the score and prediction names. The scores will be saved in the columns of self.df_dataset containing these scores.
batch_size (int, optiona (default=8)) – Batch size
- inferData(dPaths)¶
infers the dataset
- Parameters:
- load_model()¶
Loads an existing classification model
- Return type:
The loaded model is stored in attribute self.model
- load_model_config()¶
Not relevant for MLP Classifier. However it gets called in the super class and has to be passed
- retrain_model(freeze_encoder=True, batch_size=8, epochs=3, annotation_gain=10)¶
Re-train the classifier model using annotations
- Parameters:
epochs (int, optional (default=3)) – Number of training epochs
freeze_encoder (bool, optional (default=True)) – If True, the embedding layer is frozen, so that only the classification layers is updated. This is useful to use precomputed embedings for large datasets.
batch_size (int, optional (default=8)) – Batch size
annotation_gain (int or float, optional (default=10)) – Relative value of an annotated sample with respect to a non- annotated one.
- train_model(epochs=3, validate=True, freeze_encoder=True, tag='', batch_size=8)¶
Train binary text classification model based on transformers
- Parameters:
epochs (int, optional (default=3)) – Number of training epochs
validate (bool, optional (default=True)) – If True, the model epoch is selected based on the F1 score computed over the test data. Otherwise, the model after the last epoch is taken
freeze_encoder (bool, optional (default=True)) – If True, the embedding layer is frozen, so that only the classification layers is updated. This is useful to use precomputed embedings for large datasets.
tag (str, optional (default=””)) – A preffix that will be used for all result variables (scores and predictions) saved in the dataset dataframe
batch_size (int, optiona (default=8)) – Batch size
- train_test_split(max_imbalance=None, nmax=None, train_size=0.5, random_state=None)¶
Split dataframe dataset into train an test datasets,
- Parameters:
max_imbalance (int or float or None, optional (default=None)) – Maximum ratio negative vs positive samples. If the ratio in df_dataset is higher, the negative class is subsampled If None, the original proportions are preserved
nmax (int or None (defautl=None)) – Maximum size of the whole (train+test) dataset
train_size (float or int (default=0.6)) – Size of the training set. If float in [0.0, 1.0], proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If int, absolute number of train samples.
random_state (int or None (default=None)) – Controls the shuffling applied to the data before splitting. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.
- Return type:
No variables are returned.